Take step one to better health.
Let's get started!
We’re happy you’re here.
Congratulations on deciding to take the first step toward improving your health without relying solely on medication. Step One Foods is a simple, effective and tasty way to achieve your goals by changing the way you eat.
What a strategic dietary change can do for you
(in as few as 30 days).

Lower your total and LDL cholesterol

Lower your blood pressure

Reduce inflammation & improve blood flow

Improve your blood sugar

Lose weight
The Step One Foods program, step-by-step.
Get a baseline cholesterol test.
If you haven’t had a cholesterol test in the last 6 months, be sure to get one before starting with Step One Foods. This is how you’ll measure your success!
Enjoy two servings per day.
Substitute Step One Foods products for something you’d normally eat - you’ll find favorites for every time of day! Eat the rest of your meals like normal.
Use for at least 30 days.
To see measurable results, use the products consistently twice per day for at least 30 days. Schedule a follow-up cholesterol test for the end of your 30-day period.

Get started or restock with our popular Starter Pack.
Better health starts here. This pack includes a full 30-day supply of our most popular products. Simply substitute your usual meal or snack for Step One Foods twice a day for at least 30 days to see results!

What's next?
After using Step One Foods twice a day for at least 30 days, test your cholesterol to see your results. Get ready to celebrate progress toward your health goals!
Articles to Get You Started
Step One Foods products were developed by a cardiologist and have proven effective through a clinical trial subject to the same standards as a pharmaceutical clinical trial. Every serving of Step One Foods contains the precise levels of key nutrients proven to help lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Learn more about our clinical trial here.
Our snacks and meals are designed to fit easily into your everyday life. Just eat two servings a day of your favorite Step One Foods products as a substitute for something you’re eating now. No additional dietary changes or daily workouts are required!
Studies have shown that a change in diet can yield a significant impact on cholesterol levels in as little as 30 days. Effects on overall blood sugar control and weight will take longer.