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Elevate Workplace Wellness

Improve employee health with a simple, real food program.

Take your wellness program from good to great.

Customized, educational programming

Practical, actionable steps to improve health

Support for employee nutrition questions

Measurable improvements in 30 days

Seamless health screening integration

Better eating = better health (in just 30 days).

Improved health is at the heart of Step One Foods. That’s why we’ve made it easy for your wellness program to address the first (and most difficult) step in managing wellness-eating better. Step One Foods is a nutrition-based, cardiologist-developed program that makes eating for heart health convenient with little-to-no-prep products that taste great - hello Dark Chocolate Walnut Bar snack breaks! Plus, they’re clinically proven to help improve cardiovascular health in as few as 30 days.

Engage high-risk employees.

Employees with heart disease, prediabetes, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and/or obesity are high-risk. And their lack of engagement in your wellness program can be costly for everyone. The Step One Foods program is designed to overcome barriers to employee engagement. It provides a convenient, evidence-based solution for busy employees and eliminates dietary confusion. In fact, we have proven adoption among high-risk employees at 8 times the average. Step One’s “Healthy Hearts for Heroes” workplace wellness program demonstrated 84% participation rates, with 90% of participants experiencing measurable health improvements in just 30 days!

The Costs of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the costliest and deadliest disease in the US. By making Step One Foods a key component of your workplace wellness program, you address the disease’s root cause. The result is healthier, happier, more productive employees that save you money.

70 Million

Number of people with high cholesterol in the United States

$351.3 Billion

The annual cost of heart disease in the US - including healthcare costs, medicine costs and costs due to lost productivity

6 Out of the 7

Modifiable risk factors for heart disease that can be impacted by diet

“Step One is a scientifically-based program created by a Mayo Clinic trained cardiologist to make eating for heart health simple, delicious and - most importantly - effective. Step One provides a comprehensive solution to a complex problem.”

Rand Health
Workplace Wellness Programs, Study Final Report, 2013

Real results. Real people.

Yes, they were skeptical too.

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