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The Science Behind Step One Foods

The Science Behind Step One Foods

Ever wonder why Step One Foods are so good for you? 

First and foremost, these are foods. But they’re not fortified like so many foods you’ll find on the grocery shelf. These are real foods, made exclusively with food ingredients that have a health-promoting effect.

Step One Foods ingredients 

Second, they are scientifically formulated to address cardiovascular disease and to measurably impact that condition – just like you’d expect from medications.

Step One Foods are multifaceted in their effects because chronic disease is multifaceted. For heart disease, it’s not just about achieving a certain cholesterol number. It’s also about reducing inflammation and improving blood vessel function, and actually impacting risk.

That’s why you can’t just add some fiber to something and call it a day. Because if you just add fiber to your diet, you’re still leaving a lot of heart disease unaddressed.

Third, Step One Foods contain exceptionally high levels of essential nutrients that are all derived from whole real food ingredients. Because the data is clear that whole, real foods improve health – supplements and fortifications don’t.

If you have or are trying to prevent heart disease, what’s really impactful is high intakes of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, plant sterols and antioxidants.

For example:

  • Regularly taking in 10 additional grams of whole food fiber gets you an amazing health benefit, a 24% reduction in death from heart disease.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids improve vascular reactivity and help prevent blood from clotting, a really useful thing if you want to prevent heart attacks.
  • 2 grams of plant sterols consumed in two separate servings per day can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by 15%.
  • Antioxidants can help make any circulating cholesterol less toxic to the blood vessel lining. Pretty important if you want to avoid building up blockages.

These data are not from small studies or animal experiments. These are consistent findings from the voluminous population and dietary intervention studies.

Here’s a bar graph that shows the nutritional heft of our foods. 

Step One Foods Nutrition

The bar on the left represents the levels of critical nutrients in two servings of Step One Foods. The bar on the right represents the levels of critical nutrients found in two servings of like products available on grocery shelves. 

No wonder you can see measurable health effects in 30 days!

About Step One Foods: Step One Foods is a line of food products that are scientifically formulated to help improve cholesterol. Founded by cardiologist Elizabeth Klodas, Step One is clinically proven to help improve cholesterol levels. We offer a variety of breakfast and snack foods that are delicious and nutritious.

Tested & Proven Results.

  • Cardiologist formulated
  • Supported by over 500 publications
  • Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba

80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

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