Raising the bar

If you’ve ever taken the same recipe but used different kitchen appliances to make it, you’ll understand when I say that food made on different equipment can behave very differently. Ingredients pureed using a blender will look and even taste different than the same ingredients put through a food processor. It’s part of the science of cooking.
It’s also part of the trepidation when you make food at scale.
As we’ve grown, we’ve had to change manufacturing equipment periodically so we could right-size production capacity to demand. And thanks to all of you and your growing support of our company, we’ve had to scale up again!
The latest manufacturing equipment brings a new look and feel to our Apple Cinnamon, Dark Chocolate Walnut and Peanut Butter bars. And what's astonishing is that nothing has changed about the ingredient list, nutritional content or effectiveness - but you will notice that our bars look bigger, have a softer texture, and even taste better!
In fact, with this latest iteration, we truly have cracked the code on food that is not only good for you but also really GOOD. These are the bars we’ve always envisioned. And I’m super excited for you to try each and every one!
Oh - and we have a new oatmeal flavor as well!

Tested & Proven Results.
- Cardiologist formulated
- Supported by over 500 publications
- Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba
80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
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