Healthy for the Holidays Live Chat
We know that every holiday season you’re dealing with the struggle to enjoy the holidays fully and still maintain your health. Dr. Klodas sat down to share her six tips for a healthy holiday season. She shared how she balances her holiday celebrations (including making her traditional family sweet treat- Caramelettas) while prioritizing health. She also answered great questions from customers. Watch the replay below and find more resources to help you enjoy your healthiest holiday season!
Step One Foods LIVE | Healthy Holidays
Dr. Klodas’ Healthy Holiday Tips:
Indulge on the right day: Plan the day that you really want to enjoy your holiday favorites and fully enjoy them on that day! Refrain from treating every day leading up to holidays like a free for all.
Mind the plate: Enjoy your favorites, but make your plate a healthier composition by making sure vegetables and healthy options make up the majority of your plate.
Limit liquid calories: Alternate a more caloric drink with water to help cut empty calories in half.
Skipping a meal is ok: If you’re not hungry, you don’t need to eat. Listen to your body. (Unless you have a condition where regular eating is important).
Manage your stress: Easy to say, not easy to do. It can be difficult to realize that we are under stress. Stress can help you make poor choices, keep you from being unaware of what you’re eating and gravitating to comfort foods. Try adding some exercise and move more to combat stress.
- Keep it in perspective: Enjoy the traditions and joy of the season- they are only here once a year! Keep in mind that health is a journey, it’s not one meal or one day that can make or break your health. It’s how we approach the whole process.
Dr. Klodas answered customer questions about heart health and how to manage the holiday season. Here are the questions asked and some more resources to learn more about Dr. Klodas’ responses. You’ll find the timestamps for each question listed below.
10:57- Is it a fact that once you are on cholesterol medication, you can never get off it? Pamela, MN
- When is it OK to Try Food Instead of Statins to Lower Cholesterol?
- Food vs Drugs
- What I Tell My Patients: Who Should Be on Statins
14:17- Is intermittent fasting good for your overall health? How can I fast and still get my two servings of Step One in every day? Can I eat two servings at once?
17:36- I am doing a low carb, no sugar lifestyle in order to improve my health. I could really use a low carb/no sugar option. Why doesn’t Step One have a product that fits into this lifestyle or the Keto diet? - Laura, Illinois
- What You Need to Know About Carbs
- Sugar vs Sugar
- Misleading Nutrition Panels
- Fad Diets: The False Promise of Keto
21:06: I eat well year round and then from Christmas Eve through the New Year I make lots of unhealthy choices and end up feeling bad. How can I balance this, without sacrificing foods that I only get to enjoy once a year? Iris, Michigan
22:31- Are Step One Foods products helpful for those with insulin resistance? - Cynthia
24:38- Can taking plant sterols in pill form help lower cholesterol?- Barbara and Jorge
26:22- What about fake meats like Impossible Burgers or vegan foods? Are they bad for heart health? - Stacy
- When it comes to health, Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat might not be all they’re cracked up to be
- Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
28:48- I can’t get my blood pressure down. What can I do to improve my blood pressure numbers? - Sharon
31:24- What are the healthiest oils to use in cooking and baking? - Elaine
32:57- Is there any data for decreasing coronary artery blockage with Step One Foods? - Theresa
Tested & Proven Results.
- Cardiologist formulated
- Supported by over 500 publications
- Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba
80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
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