2020 Year In Review

As we near the end of 2020, I can imagine most of us are looking forward to a new year. For my part, even though I'm not usually a big New Year's Eve celebrant, this December 31st I will be up, watching to make sure that ball really does drop!
While no one is more excited to turn the page than I am, it is always important to focus on the silver linings, and I wanted to take a moment today to do just that and reflect on the past year at Step One Foods.
First of all, I wanted to thank you for your continued support. I've said this before but it bears repeating, YOU are the reason we exist - and your kind notes, your comments and reviews, and your phone calls about your experiences with Step One is what makes our jobs so rewarding. Thank you for all your support in this especially challenging year. Truly, it’s what drives us.
At the beginning of the pandemic were considered an "essential business," which took on new meaning for us this year. As one silver lining, we grew and were able to hire people who were put out of work because of the pandemic, and that felt really good. But there were times when our supply chain couldn't keep up with demand -- and we heard from you about it. Which helped us remember that we are an essential business. Not because we fit the government's criteria (after all, Cheetos would be in the same category), but because we are changing lives every day, and we cannot let up on our commitment to continue to do so.
Focusing on our mission propelled us to achieve even more. Here is a look at just a few of the many accomplishments we are proud of from this past year.
As a company, our mission is to change people’s lives. We track this internally by counting how many of you have become loyal repeat customers. It is our north star, and we start every company meeting by celebrating the lives we've changed. In 2020, we changed 5 times more lives than we did in 2019!
Blogpost Roundup
I founded Step One Foods not only to help improve nutrition but to also help individuals be better stewards of their of their health. And I hope you have found the blog section informative and actionable. If you missed some of the blogs from this past year, here were our most popular:
- The truth about statins and memory
- What you need to know about inflammation
- Should you be taking Oprah’s nutrition advice?
- What you need to know about Cholesterol
- Putting COVID-19 into Perspective
You can watch Marybeth's story here. And if you haven't already, join our Heart to Heart group!
Finally, know that we are humbled and honored to be a partner in your health journey. 2020 has definitely had its challenges, but we made it through. And we look forward to continuing to be a partner in your health in 2021!

Tested & Proven Results.
- Cardiologist formulated
- Supported by over 500 publications
- Clinically-proven, in a double-blind randomized trial with Mayo Clinic and The University of Manitoba
80% of participants lowered their cholesterol in just 30 days. With just two servings per day, Step One Foods offers a proven-effective way to naturally lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
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